reducing heart attack

Reducing The Risk Of A Heart Attack Or Stroke Fatality

Experiencing shortness of breath or some chest pains are the commonly known symptoms that are associated with a heart attack. Having these signs previously would not be any reason to raise fear or concern. All you needed was to make a 999 call, and you would be immediately attended to at that hospital near you.

In the United Kingdom, many people with health problems such as stroke and heart attack either skip or delay their medical appointments. A publication was recently made a publication noting that there has been a drastic decrease in the number of patients, more so patients diagnosed with a heart attack who are currently visiting the hospitals.

Did you know that skipping medical treatment has serious implications for your health?

The time factor

A heart attack occurs when you develop a blood clot that blocks the continuous flow of blood to the heart. The fatality of the heart attack is dependent on the amount of time you take before seeking treatment. One major symptom associated with a heart attack is chest pain and shortness of breath. Most fatalities occur during the first hour of a heart attack. These fatalities can only be minimized when you can restore the flow of blood in a good time.

You are also at risk of developing stroke in case the clot blocks blood flow to the brain. The fatality of stroke is similar to that of a heart attack—the more time you take before seeking treatment, the more fatal the outcome.

Getting timely treatment whenever you experience any of the symptoms of heart attack or stroke is the best health step.


Understanding the symptoms of heart attack and stroke is very helpful in managing these conditions. Some of the common symptoms for heart attack include;

chesr pain

  • Chest pains
  • General body fatigue
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Uneven heartbeat
  • Sweating
  • Dizziness

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Some of the signs that could mean you are probably having a stroke are;

  • Paralysis or numbness of the face
  • Having trouble with your eyesight.
  • Headache that you cannot explain its cause
  • Poor speech or even the ability to understand
  • Loss of body balance

The majority of these symptoms are associated with other diseases. The type of diseases notwithstanding, the surest way of saving your life is visiting the hospital.

Ensuring you are safe and healthy

The health system has taken appropriate precautionary measures of ensuring that your exposure to a heart attack or stroke is reduced. However, it is upon you to ensure that you maintain a safe and healthy heart. Remember it is only through being healthy that you can stay stronger for longer. Some of the precautions to observe may include the following;


  • Always a variety in your diet. Add some fruits, vegetables, grains and foods high in omega
  • Exercise regularly to relax and reduce your stress levels
  • You should quit smoking
  • Take caution about your cholesterol levels
  • Keep check of your blood sugar
  • Manage your blood pressure.

If you want the best for your heart, a change in your lifestyle may help prevent heart-related diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

If you’ve found this helpful, please share. And if you have any further questions, please let me know below and I or one of my team will do our best to provide you with answers.


Jamie Wood, Founder & CEO


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